Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Part 5

The first semester of my final year went great. I succeeded in scoring relatively good grades and this was all thanks to my boyfriend who would force me to study everyday. He would only go on dates with me if it was a Sunday. Other than that, we had to reserve at least two hours of studying. I must study lah! He would pretend to study but is actually playing Mousehunt or Forces Of War on Facebook! I had lady luck on my side that semester and was as optimistic as ever! Until it was time to face my second semester.

That was the semester where I had to take up seven subjects. I couldn't decide if I should retake the whole course or just sit for the supplementary paper. I was in such a dilemma until Nizam approached me one day on BBM after I changed my status to "Confused". I'll have you know that we have never really talked or chatted before that particular evening. He asked me what I was so confused about and I told him (surprisingly, yes I did!) and he said "You know, this is only my opinion but why not you just retake both the subjects?" Now, why didn't I think of that sooner? I was so torn between which paper I should retake and which I should just go for the supplementary. But of course I would have to work harder than ever. So I took on seven subjects that semester. Criminal Procedures 2, Civil Procedures 2, Professional Practice 2, Jurisprudence 2, Evidence 2, Land Law 2 and also IT Law 2. God, I swear that whole semester was not at all funny. Like I've mentioned before in my previous post that home is the worst place for me to sit and study at. I just can't do it. So everyday after my last class, I would go over to Shad/Mirul/Sudesh's place at BBU to do my tutorials or assignments and whatnot and would only go home after midnight. Up to the point where my mom thought I was having a secret affair with Shad. And when confronted, Shad told my mom "Aunty, I think she's my boyfriend/mother, rather". (Mom asked: "So... you're my daughter's new boyf is it?). So if you were wondering how I did it, here's how:

  1. You're going to need a demented/self-obsessed friend (Shad) to remind yourself that you're not the only crazy person around
  2. You're also going to need a friend who has permanent brain damage and is forever laughing even after you've insulted him to the max (Sudesh) to remind yourself that you're still sane
  3. Also, you're going to need a friend who shares the same type of music/movies with you and who lets you watch Spongebob Squarepants and imitate the stupid starfish (Patrick) and who downloads celebrity porn (Amirul) just so you can watch and release a bit of stress
  4. You would have to sleep on a sofa the month before your finals
  5. You would have to drink Nescafe's 3in1 every single hour of every single day (Preferably until you feel like there is no reason for you to live anymore)
  6. You would have to be broke at least 4 times a week so that you can't afford to have proper meals and hence would work in keeping you up for at least 21 hours a day. 
  7. Last but not least, you would have to stay calm even though you have Land Law in the morning and Juris in the afternoon and Criminal Procedure the next morning and guess what? You're yet to start on Criminal Procedure :D Just. Stay. Calm. 
One morning, I got a call from Shad. He was on his way to KL and wanted to meet up with me to do some shopping. Actually, he merely wanted to forget about the rumors on the release of results that evening. So after our his shopping spree (when I say shopping spree, I meant loitering in EDC for an hour as I wait for him to decide on whether he should get a blue shirt), the three of us (together with my boyfriend), we went to Kayu Kota Damansara to have our dinner. And out of the blue, everyone was freaking out on Twitter about the results. I stayed calm and told my boyfriend NOT to check my results first as the grades are not out yet and even if my transcript reads "PASS", there might be a possibility that I might get a C- and in our course, that was a fail. In the midst of talking some sense into Shad just so he would stay calm, my boyfriend was secretly refreshing the site on his phone intending to check my results. And suddenly shouted "OMG BABY! YOU PASSED!" and seconds after that, "OMG I PASSED!!!!!!!!" Shad screamed. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT NOT CHECKING UNTIL THE GRADES ARE OUT?? But the grades WERE out. And I DID passed everything. I teared up when I was talking to my parents on the phone telling him the good news. 

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