Saturday, January 14, 2012

Your biggest mistake

You know in life, we make decisions - those that we are not proud of and those that still make you smile. Whenever finals are nearing, I never fail to ask myself "WHY IN MOTHER'S NAME AM I TAKING THIS COURSE AGAIN?!" Indeed it is like I'm taking a degree in some Memory course. Memorising 20 cases at least for each chapter is really nothing to laugh about (Well, after 4 hours of constant memorising, you do tend to find yourself laughing in tears. It's the i-dont-know-if-i-should-laugh-or-cry moment) So 20 cases x 11 chapters. Go figure. 

"Biggest mistake in life: LAW"

Although my picture above seems to look pretty convincing, I actually don't think that it is my biggest mistake in life. Sure, it can be a pain in the fu*king ass (literally). Yes, it does drive you mad at times. But I am quite glad I chose this course. Because if not, then I wouldn't have had the chance to meet them:


And of course most importantly, I wouldn't have met my bitch if I didn't take up this course. I find it annoying that whenever I am on the verge of breaking down and I've been using every ounce of strength in me to keep it in and suddenly when I see him or call him and hear his retarded voice, I just break down... while laughing (I don't know why I'm always crying while laughing too)

No one should regret the decisions they make. If you're regretting your decisions, maybe you should stop for a second and take a look around. You must have gained something in making that decision. Sure there were probably losses too. But why spend your time mourning over your loss than using it to embrace what you've gained instead?

Shad, Sudesh and I bought fishes the other day. We wanted to get goldfishes but then when we got to the pet shop, we realised that the goldfishs' brain were growing outside of their head. Mad horrid. And also they need that oxygen thingamajig to survive. Guppies no need to breathe 1 I think. I got myself a red one; Amber Tan :D We bought an extra one so Shad decided to name it which technically it's his; hence, he owns two of the fishes. Now he feels like he's getting too attached to them and yesterday he was all emotional about committing to the fishes.

"They are getting too dependable on me. I'm standing there and they are like swimming there looking at me expecting me to feed them. Like, what is this??! Feed yourself! Aint having to depend on me. Feel so rimas."

I took a photo in the car yesterday. But since the car was moving, my hand slipped and this was the accidental shot:

Me: Shad! I like this photo because of the colours and it looks abstract. But I think it looks vulgar.

Shad: Vulgar? Dude, that's porn.

.... you win.

I used to have this Santa. Press his palm and his nose will lit up and some Christmas song starts playing. Used to make me smile every time. I wonder where he is now. Saw this in Jusco yesterday.

You know how friends are supposed to be there for each other? Truth be told, I just want to be alone right now.

I shall end my post with shameless photos of myself :3

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